

Carrier Oils

Many oils are safe to apply directly to the skin (example: 1 drop lavender) just make sure what you are using is not lavandin labeled as lavender or genetically-altered lavender. Quality oils are essential! However, most oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil to be used properly.

Carrier oils help extend and provide a more efficient way to use essential oils.

*A vegetable oil derived from from the fatty portion of the plant. Usually from the seeds, kernels or nuts.
*Carrier oils are used for diluting essential oils prior to use in order to prevent irritation and protect sensitive skin.
*Dilution of essential oil with a carrier oil does NOT dilute the effects of essential oil. And even prevents waste due to excessive application.

**If you ever get a “warm” sensation be sure to apply carrier oil and never water! This will help dilute the oil vs increasing the intensity. Oil and water do not mix.

Carrier Oil Types:
*YL V-6 oil: odorless, colorless, packed with antioxidants, absorbs quickly
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*fractionated coconut oil is distilled from pure coconut oil. colorless, odorless, never goes rancid and is easily washed out of fabrics.

*almond oil is high in vitamin E and phytonutrients, nourishing to the skin, it protects cell membranes from oxidative damage.

*grapeseed oil: Commonly found at grocery stores, used for bath bombs, body products.

There are more oils you can dilute with but these are my main favorites.